Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Dysprosium EasterCon

I'm just back from Dysprosium, the 66th EasterCon, held this year at Park Inn, Heathrow.
Just over a thousand people were there, attending talks, gaming, wearing costumes, shopping for cool stuff, drinking real ale - and talking, endlessly. As Seanan Maguire, one of the Guests of Honour, said: "I haven't slept. Everything is lizards!"

I will be blogging about what happened there, and how much fun it was, shortly, but now I'm off to soak in a hot bath....

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I have a question for you. Do you recall a giant artist's brush standing at an angle in the front yard of a Hay on Wye artist? I am seeking a photo, if possible.
    (A friend put me on to your delightful "Life in Hay" blog!)
