Sunday 14 February 2016

Steampunk Costume Accessories

I have been creating! This is a prop for the Steampunk costume I'll be wearing at EasterCon this year - it's a cage for trapping fairies! It's only about 7 inches high. I painted it a coppery colour (technically Runelord Brass), and added the star necklace and the ribbon. I also have a Fairy Attractor (a garden ornament that glows in the dark) and a little wicker basket about the same size as the cage, to transfer the stupefied fairies into captivity. We will be harvesting the fairy dust, which they shed naturally anyway, and tagging the fairies to observe their migration patterns!

And this is the costume I'll be wearing, but with a straw boater instead of a solar topee! This photo was taken at the 2014 Hereford History Day, when the theme was the First World War.

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